
week note #4

Two days late this time. Forgive me, I am trying.

Last week was better than the one before.


  • Lot of cramming for the JLPT test in December's first week. I can now say "my Japanese is better than yours" - "私の日本語はあなたのより上手です" (watashi no nihongo wa anata no yori jouzu desu). I have also learned a lot of adjectives so I can give anyone many a compliment.

  • House renovation work is finally done (ish). Now all that is left is deep cleaning the house and setting it up again, easy-peasy.

  • I am re-watching this show I used to watch about a decade ago - Veronica Mars. I have realized that my emotional reactions to interpersonal issues in the show are much less anxiety-inducing. I also am relating to the characters very (and I mean very) differently. Either I was in a bad place when I watched it the first time (which is very likely), or I have matured a little, or both. This has made me wonder if I should re-watch other shows that I used to like when I was younger to see if they still affect me in the same way.

  • I have been following the whole layoffs, internet meltdowns of various companies, and bankruptcies with somewhat indifference these days. I know they will affect me, especially the layoffs, but I am choosing to have a clear mind and focus on one thing at a time.

  • I have gotten behind in my reading a lot. Haven't had a chance to read in between studying, housework, and watching tv (yeah, I know). I will try and catch up on that next week.

  • Also, next week we have parents visiting. Both sets. Wish us luck.