
week note #5

Skipped a week, sorry. But they were a rather eventful two weeks.

The week before last was mostly me scurrying to get our house in order for the parents' visit. I worked tirelessly for four days straight to get everything back in its place, dusting all surfaces, again and again, washing and changing all house linens, and so much more. On one of those days, my activity monitor logged 7000 steps just inside the house from moving between rooms.

Then came the moment of truth. After days of exhaustion, both parents appreciated the house a lot. Yay, validation! They loved the new bathrooms and the changes we did to the house. I will add pictures in next week's note once the black fixtures have been added to the office bathroom (they were delivered just a couple of days back after 3 months of a wait).

As for the actual parents' visit, I am happy to say everyone was civil. The conversations flowed automatically, and there were a lot of philosophical discussions. Some discussions were quite passion-filled, but no one was offended by anyone, at least I hope so.

Kitty and I were cajoled into making our commitment official, so for all intents and purposes, we got engaged. We will do the paperwork for registration of marriage sometime in the next few months, and be done with it.

I also gave the JLPT N5 test this Sunday. I wish I could say I did great, but I did not. I can't say I did poorly either, I might have done just good enough to pass. But, I am not sure of that either. So, we will see once the results are out in a couple of months.

What I read:

  • a few more pages of रेत समाधि (I am fighting the instinct to read the English version with all my might)
  • a couple chapters of Imposter's Handbook
  • a few chapters of Designing Data-Intensive Applications

Movies I watched: