
week note #6

こんにちわ みんなさん.

Last week was fun. In some sense, my first actual week off after weeks of housework and visits.

I played a lot of Frostpunk, watched a lot of tv, did some knitting, and even read a little.

It's amazing how much a good haircut can boost my mood. It was like I hated (not hated maybe, but definitely didn't enjoy) looking at myself in the mirror for the past few months and now suddenly I am smiling when passing by the mirror and catching a glimpse. I have always loved experimenting with my hair, be it color or style. I think it stems from an expression of self that I can't seem to get through any other medium. It is not all deep and existential, there is some amount of vanity involved as well.

So anyway, I got a haircut and am bouncing around on that high for the last few days.

I have started a new knitting project - a baby romper for a friend who is expecting a baby soon. I keep going in and out of the habit of knitting and I have realized that I am always relatively happier when I have a project on the needles.

I am preparing to attend a wedding in Delhi next week, so lots (technically not a lot, but even a little is a lot for me) of shopping for that. I usually find family weddings exhausting, but I am hoping to have some fun and enjoy Delhi winters for a week while I am there.

We have started Cattoo on a strictly measured food diet and he is not happy about it. I am hoping he will get used to it soon and it will help reduce his weight. He weighs 8.4 kg currently. With the new diet, he gets 15g of dry cat food 4 times a day as opposed to an unmeasured blob of food every time he was hungry.

Things I read:

Things I watched:

PS: I know I promised bathroom pictures, but it is still not fully done yet. One last thing to be finished this week. :fingers-crossed: